Terms of Use

Marquette Website Terms of Use

About Marquette

Marquette is an Australia & New Zealand Trans-Tasman Patent & Trade Mark Attorney firm, offering specialist intellectual property law services and operating amongst a group of associated incorporated entities which subsequently provide associated legal, business consulting and advisory services together with published content on intellectual property, business and innovation topics. References below to “Marquette”, “we” or “us” are references to Marquette and/or its associated entities, as appropriate.

About the www.marquetteip.com website (the “Website”)

This Website is created and controlled by Marquette. We publish information regarding the Australian & New Zealand intellectual property services and commercial expertise that we offer as well as topic information on the intellectual property industry and considerations more generally. We publish this information as an introductory guide to the kinds of advice and services we can provide to existing and prospective clients.

Whenever you access or use this Website, you agree to these Website Terms of Use. The date of these Website Terms of Use is set out below. We may change these Website Terms of Use at our discretion. By continuing to use this Website you accept the Website Terms of Use as they apply from time to time.

The information contained on this Website may change from time to time. Any information on legal issues is an introduction only – do not rely on it in place of legal advice. If you require legal advice, please contact one of our partners.


The transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure or error free. In particular, emails to or from Marquette and information submitted to or accessed via this Website may not be secure and you should use discretion in deciding what information you send to us via these means.

Emails to/from Marquette may undergo email filtering and virus scanning, including by third party contractors. We do not warrant that such filters and scans will be effective in removing viruses or other potentially harmful code.


To the maximum extent permitted by law, we will not be liable to any person or entity for any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss or damage (however caused, including due to negligence) which may arise out of, or in connection with, the use of this Website or the use or reliance on information, including any publication or media release, contained on or linked to from this Website. Further, we do not endorse or accept any liability for the contents of any website referred to on, or linked to from, this Website.

Marquette does not provide any warranty in relation to your use of this Website or as to the currency, completeness or accuracy of the information contained on this Website.

If any law implies a condition or warranty into these Website Terms of Use which cannot lawfully be excluded then, to the maximum extent permitted by law, our liability for any breach of such implied term will be limited to the supply of the relevant service again or the payment of the cost of having that service re-supplied.

Copyright and trade mark notice

This site is protected by copyright owned by or licensed to Marquette.

You may download and print content from this Website for your own personal or internal business purposes only. You must not publish, adapt, communicate to the public, distribute to third parties, amend or make any other copy of any part of the content on this Website without our prior written consent.

“Marquette”, “Marquette IP” and “Marquette Intellectual Property” are registered Australian trade marks. You must not use our trade marks without our prior written consent.

Linking and Framing

This site may contain links to other web sites and may on occasion display content or information from other web sites within frames on this Website. We are not responsible or liable for that content or information, and do not warrant the accuracy, currency or suitability for any purpose of that information.

You may link to our Website provided you do so in a way that accurately indicates that the link is to a Marquette page and is not misleading.

Use of electronic addresses

We publish electronic addresses of our employees on this Website for business purposes only. The publication of those electronic addresses should not be taken as consent by Marquette employees to receiving unsolicited commercial electronic messages not directly related to the recipient’s role or function.


We may use cookies to identify your computer on our server and so we can track your use of this Website. In some instances cookies may collect and store personal information about you. Such personal information will only be used by Marquette in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


Any personal information we collect about you via this Website or otherwise will only be used and disclosed by Marquette in accordance with our Privacy Policy [hyperlink].  

Governing Law

These Website Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia, and in the event that we have a legal dispute relating to this Website or these Website Terms and Conditions, Victorian courts will have non-exclusive jurisdiction.